Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Meet me in Istanbul

Author : Richard Chilshom

Title : Meet me in Istanbul

Publisher : Dian Rakyat

City : Jakarta

Year : 2003

Page : 64

Price : Rp. 12.000


Tom smith was a young English man. He wanted to meet his fiancée in Istanbul. In the middle of his journey to Istanbul, he met with Kemal. Tom made a friend with him. In Istanbul, Tom got something strange with his fiancée, Angela. Angela failed to meet him. Tom tried to find Angela. But he did not find her. The next morning, he heard some terrible news, Angela was killed in a driving accident a week before he arrived. it was strange because he had looked at her as the first time he arrived in Istanbul. so, he asked some help from Kemal to find Angela. Then, they struggled together to find her.

It is a good book to improve your English. if you are an English student, it is appropriate book for you in order to build your understanding about English. so,,,, enjoy it.!!

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