Avoiding prejudice to live in beautiful world
Mankind can not be separated from differences. Differences are something given by God. Mankind is different in many aspects of the life, physically, environmentally or culturally. Those are absolutely His decision. No body can change or argue His decision. May be it would be funny if mankind could argue His decision before He sent us to the world. If it could be done, perhaps I would ask to the God to be born as what I want; to be a white people, to be a rich child or to be a very good child. But, it is impossible since it is The God’s power. Mankind can not argue it although a little. Consequently, willing or not, mankind can not go out of the differences.
Understanding it, in my experience, I need to consider it wisely as something natural in my life. But, then, to be accordance in development time, some people can not hold the concept any longer. They think differences can not be accepted. They try to make barriers between them and other different people. They separate people racially, environmentally, or nationally. Then they start to give bad names to the others different people. And prejudice come and occupy their mind.
Mind is people control. It has greatest function to control our attitudes or behaviors. As a result, prejudice becomes a phenomenon in one society. It suggests that prejudice it a root of bias and conflict in society. In my experience, if we want to grapple with the phenomenon of prejudice, we need a better understanding of its causes.
What are the causes of prejudice? I am going to begin revealing the causes by noticing that humans are creatures of habit. But it is not a restricted habit to things like cheating- a bad habit, or reading is a good habit. Rather, habits in my experience include all our ways of thinking, of feeling, of talking, they are all thinking elements. or it can be regarded that habits is how people act by using his thinking.
Humans come to the world without habits, then their thinking develops and they have the impulses and powers-yet to be realized, to contemplate, to speak and all the rest. As they grow, they develop their “character” and an array of competences, beliefs and orientations, the particular dispositions or tendencies which define not only their “personality” but also their particular ways of thinking, and so on. Put in other terms, all humans have the innate capacities to think, speak and all the rest of the things that humans everywhere do. But the way that they do these things are different. Their concrete expression in the world brings them in social learning process; about life, human and the nature around them. If their thinking is occupied with the wrong ideas, it will affect them to have wrong perspectives to see the world. Thus, people will have different habits.
We play critical roles in the development of our habits and can always do something about them, most of our habits are pretty mush formed by the time we are young adults. Some ways of thinking, felling, etc, are so widely shared by humans, past and present, which we tend to think of them as “universals” prejudice is one of these.
People will have the instinctive aversion of mankind to what is new and unusual, to whatever is different from that we are used to, and which thus shocks our customary habits. This might range from the aversion one might experience to a strange cultural practice to an aversion to what is perceived as “ugly” to an aversion to persons of different skin color.
More facts about prejudice are when the community is so crowded and occupied by unemployment, there will be prejudice among the people from different background in the community. For example, when the native residents are so difficult to get jobs in their own area, whereas the non-natives are so easy to get the jobs, it can be a cause of prejudice, may be the natives will say “how can they the jobs, while we are here still jobless”. As a result, battle between ethnics begins and damages everything. It is a dangerous condition.
May be as humans, we are so difficult to realize that prejudice is on our mind, but rethinking will help us to consider it. However, people need to stop it. In my experience, I can get to know a person on an individual basis before I decide if I do not like them. I am not going to like everyone, but I do need to respect them as an individual and spend time with them before I make a judgment. I need to realize that my way is not the only way. I really need to be respectful of differences.
Considering that prejudice is a very dangerous attitude, I need to stop them from the basic, from my generation. For example, as a teacher, I will teach them that differences are natural, we do not live in uniform and the differences make our worlds more colorful. I will remain them the old saying “don’t judge the book by its cover”. Later, I ask the children to stop and think what it might feel like to be someone who stands our as being different; “ what would it feel like to be the only blacks in a classroom full of white children” or “what does it feel like to be a child of different race”. But the most important ways I can help my student or children in our neighborhood is by being good role models. This, more than anything else we do, will affect the way my student approach diversity. So, avoid using stereotypes.
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