Monday, October 26, 2009

Between Excretion and Reading/Writing Process

Heri septiawan

Between Excretion and Reading/Writing Process

It was a nicest day for me. After doing tiring activities in a sunny day at school, I starved. Fortunately, when I went back to home, my mother had cooked a lot of delicious foods. Those foods really stimulated my great appetite that day. So, I ate a lot until the sweat dropped from my skin. But, unfortunately, just as a natural excretion process; the more you eat, the more you want to make the rest of what you eat out of you. However, that is now enough to make me understand that input and output should be in balance; if not for human they will be sick or hospitalized.

From the brief experience above, perhaps you will have a question mark in your head; so what the relationship between eating a lot, reading and writing process as well. Actually, it is not about biological writing, but I just want to show the relationship between reading and writing process. In my experience, excretion process is similar to the process of writing and reading. In those processes, something that comes into your body will affect its output. In reading/writing process, the more you read, the more you want to write it. From reading process, the readers will get many new things. Those new things will be opened and be connected with readers’ prior knowledge. Later on, the connected knowledge constructs the readers’ understanding. As the understanding rises, the readers have a great desire to share what they have understood with other people. Then they compose the understanding into text and it becomes writing.

Furthermore, as the process of writing and reading develop, the understanding between the readers and writers need to be built. Therefore, they should have understanding in terms of communication. In other words, if reading and writing are to be communicative then the reader needs to read with the sense of the writer and the writer needs to write with the sense of the reader. A reader needs to make sense of what the writer is communicating through the text and the writer need to make sure that his/her message is clear and understood by the reader. Students should make the connection that their friends will be reading their writing, so that they will need to have a better sense of the writer and write better with the sense of the reader.

Basically, the relationship between reading and writing is a bit like that of the chicken and egg. Which came first is not as important as the fact that without one the other cannot exist. Writing affects reading, and reading affects writing. Therefore, teaching writing and reading should not be isolated, but they are integrated processes.

Teaching reading and writing together are very important since this strategy will have more beneficial things in their learning process. Reading a variety of genres helps students learn text structures and language that they can then transfer to their own writing. In addition, reading provides young people with prior knowledge that they can use in their stories. One of the primary reasons that we read is to learn. Especially while we are still in school, a major portion of what we know comes from the texts we read. Since writing is the act of transmitting knowledge in print, we must have information to share before we can write it. Therefore reading plays a major role in writing.

At the same time practice in writing helps students build their reading skills. This is especially true for students who are working to develop phonemic knowledge. In my experience, phonemic knowledge develops as children read and write new words. For young adult practice in the process of writing their own texts helps them analyze the pieces that they read. They can apply their knowledge about the ways that they choose to use particular language, text structure or content to better understand a professional author’s construction of his or her texts.

However, the reading process should be in control; from the chosen book, intellectual level, interests and needs of readers. Once the reading is under control, it is important to help students bridge the gap between reading and writing, a form of free writing. Paraphrasing and summarizing are two important skills that will help your child with academic writing, but it is also important to encourage journal writing. From journal writing, students have more chance to write anything they want to. Later on, summarizing is a better way to comprehend the text of what they have read. They will have more area to show their understanding based on their readings. Revising is another way to show students’ understanding. In this way students should read their friends’ writing, when they have understood the essential things of the writing and if any show the mistakes, the result is they will fully understand of what they have read.

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